ICL is a member of different associations worldwide, ranging from business and financial forums to the International Council for Chemicals Associations (ICCA). \
Below, is a list of the main memberships in which ICL is involved :
ICL is a member of the International Fertilizer Association (IFA). ICL’s President & CEO, Mr. Raviv Zoller, is a board member of the IFA, Mr. Zoller is also the representative of West Asia region and the Chairman of IFA’s Sustainability Committee.
ICL is a member of the Manufacturers’ Association of Israel (MAOI). ICL EVP Operations is a member of the Executive Committees of the MAOI, and currently acts as Chairman for the environmental committee.
Another ICL senior EHS manager currently acts as Chairman for the hazardous materials committee of the MAOI.
ICL’s CFO acts as chairman of the Chief Financial Officers Forum of the MAOI.
Representatives from ICL Israel participate in public committees, such as those organized by the Standards Institute of Israel.
ICL Iberia is collaborating with the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Manresa for the purpose of representing and promoting general interests of commerce and industry and providing services to support organizations operating in Bages County
ICL is involved with the International Potash Institute (IPI), a non-governmental and non-profit organization whose mission is to develop and promote balanced fertilization for production of higher yields and more nutritious food, together with ensuring sustainability of production through conservation of soil fertility for future generations.
ICL maintains an ongoing involvement in various activities administered by the International Council for Chemicals Associations (ICCA), e.g. the Responsible Care program.
ICL Industrial Products, along with two other major flame retardant manufacturers, Albemarle and Lanxess, took the initiative to develop and implement a Voluntary Emissions Control Action Program (VECAP) for the flame retardant industry.
ICL U.S.A is an active member of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and all sites in the Americas are certified to the ACC’s Responsible Care 14001 technical specification. ICL Brazil is active in ABIQUIM.
ICL is an active member of the TfS (Together for Sustainability) initiative. The TfS is a joint initiative of 33 leading global chemical companies, cooperating to promote sustainable practices in the global chemical industry supply chain. The initiative mainly acts through conducting thousands of supplier sustainability assessments and on-site audits, encouraging suppliers to improve in all ESG fields. The program is the focus of ICL’s sustainable procurement practices, and ICL has representative members in several TfS committees.
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